This week, we're taking things to a level beyond imagined with the launch of our new a.fatti SS2021 UNIVERSEWIDE COLLECTION, along with a TRADEMARK registry for UNIVERSEWIDE™️.

It's the boldest update yet to our streetleisure brand. But it's way more than that. It's a whole new way of thinking.

What does it mean?

UNIVERSEWIDE is the idea that we are capable of way more than we think. It's about setting MASSIVE goals but then going even bigger … and bigger … until the end result is something out of this world, never seen or done before.

a.fatti has ALWAYS been about conquering the unimaginable: believing in yourself and doing extraordinary things you never thought possible. But UNIVERSEWIDE is a reminder that each of us needs to start thinking WAAAY bigger. Cosmos-level big.

Forget nationwide. Forget worldwide. Time to go UNIVERSEWIDE.

The power of thinking big

Don't confuse thinking big with "pipedreams." Experts say there's a lot to gain from thinking big.

When you think big, you put more power into your thoughts. Those thoughts can have a powerful influence over the circumstances and situations in your life. So the more you're aware of your thoughts and directing them to the right outcomes, the more likely you are to go farther.

In other words, thinking small actually limits you! By thinking big, you open up new possibilities and achieve greater success.

It's launch time

Just look at Elon Musk, whose company SpaceX has launched more than 100 space missions and is literally in the process of colonizing Mars. Elon could have stopped at revolutionizing the auto industry with Tesla or flipping the energy sector with SolarCity. But no, he had bigger plans. Plans beyond this world.

Look … you don't have to be Elon Musk to go UNIVERSEWIDE with your goals. It's all about visualizing the impossible and reaching for it – with zero fear or hesitation.

At a.fatti, we're not limiting ourselves any longer. Our vision to inspire others to reach their highest potential is no longer bound to earth. We're taking our vision UNIVERSEWIDE to all the planets throughout the universe.

You with us?