What did you do today to achieve excellence in your life?

Will you do it again tomorrow? Next week?

The answer has NOTHING to do with luck or fate. Excellence is a choice. We're all capable of it. But it’s up to you to unleash it. To achieve excellence, you need to make the active decision to put in the work and make the changes in your life that allow you to excel.

That's what we call developing a "habit of excellence" in everything we do – and it's the best habit you can make to capture the success you want in your life.

What it means

Way too often, people think of habits as the bad habits … stuff like smoking or eating too much junk food. Behaviors that are hard to break after you've been doing them for a while.

But you need to flip that logic on its head.

Habits are decisions we make. You have the willpower to break the bad ones. But more importantly, you have the willpower to start the GOOD habits.

Developing a habit of excellence means doing the things that make you excel, over and over again, until they're almost addictive. Like bad habits, a habit of excellence can be hard to break once you do it every day. In the process, it can be a powerful driving force for your life.

You define the habits  

What does being "excellent" actually mean?

It's different for each person, and only YOU can determine what your own excellence looks like.

But ultimately, being excellent means bringing your A-game. All the time. In everything you do. It means making habits that bring positive outcomes to your life and help you achieve the level of success you've been visualizing.

The best athletes don't achieve excellence ONLY by what they do on the field. It's all the habits they make off the field that enable that success: what they eat, how much they train, what kind of influences they allow into their lives. Those are all deliberate decisions.

To get the outcomes YOU want, it's up to you to define the habits that make those outcomes possible. That is the only path to excellence.