Not reaching your goals? One word could change everything … FOCUS.

At a.fatti, we talk a lot about setting MASSIVE goals. With passion and perseverance, anyone is capable of conquering their biggest dreams.

But if you don't stay laser-focused on your goals, it'll never happen.

Focus is—HANDS DOWN—one the most important elements for success … in life, in athletics and in everything you do. Without it, your biggest goals will always remain out of reach.


Two of the richest people in the world—Bill Gates and Warren Buffet—were recently asked to give ONE WORD that contributed most to their success …

They both said “FOCUS.”

Their answers are revealing. Gates and Buffet were not born rich. Gates was a college dropout. Buffet pinched pennies since he was a kid and hustled to earn a living.

But they never lost sight of the big picture. They never steered off the path. Today, both men are multi-billionaires.


Research shows that it is IMPOSSIBLE for the human mind to focus on two things at once. Staying focused on a goal means giving ALL your attention to the immediate task at hand.

Pinpoint your most urgent goal. Remove all other distractions. Narrow your focus like a laser and stay fixated on that ONE THING.

Let's say you're a runner and you're determined to break your personal record for the 100m dash. You practice, practice, practice – but then something happens. Your goal starts spreading in other directions. Maybe you ALSO want be a pro basketball player. AND a recording artist.

Suddenly, you've got all of these different goals. Each one starts taking up your time and energy.

A few weeks later, you come back to the 100m. What happens? Your time is even WORSE than before.

Without focus, your goal went out the window. And, you have to ask yourself: maybe you were never serious about the goal in the first place?


Your immediate goals will always take priority over the big picture. (You can't win the race if you don't enter it!) But also, you can never lose sight of the long-term objective.

Focusing on your goal requires a healthy obsession with it. Don't just think about. Read about it. Understand it on the deepest level possible. Tell others about it. Make the goal a part of who you are.

If you let your focus jump to other things, the path will only become longer and more difficult.

Don't be fooled by an initial surge of motivation. That's only the first step. To get to the finish line – whatever that looks like for you – you absolutely must stay FOCUSED.